What’s on

church calendar

See the full 2025 calendar

6th april 5pm

Worship Guest
Elle Limebear

18TH APRIL, 10am

Good Friday

20th APRIL 9am, 11:30am & 5pm

Easter Sunday

starts 8th May

Online Marriage Course

sign up
starts 8th May

True Colour

sign up
starts 8th May

Follow Jesus

sign up
starts 8th May

Bible Study

sign up
starts 8th May

Lead Like Jesus course

sign up
17 June

Open Home 25

Register here
31 july

Kids Fest

Register here
12-15 August

SOULShift - Youth Camp

more info
6th, 7th, 13th, 14th December

The Wonder

more info


monday - Friday


Stop by for a coffee and a treat! Our mid-week opening times are 8.30am-3pm, Monday to Friday.

monday - Friday

Midday Prayer

Prayer gathering in the chapel during the week! Join us for 30 minutes of powerful prayer.
Mon-Tues at 12-12:30pm, Wed-Fri at 1:15-1:45pm and Sunday after PSG.


Chapel & War Room

Chapel is our midweek leadership based service at 10:30am followed by our prayer gathering for 30 minutes. They all take place in Audi 2 and anyone is welcome to join us.

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SOUL Toddlers

A fun, safe group to build relationships for you and your kids!! We focus on your little ones helping them develop through play and learning (age 0-4).

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Thursdays (TERM TIME)

SOUL Central

Our midweek discipleship courses at 7pm; bible study, alpha and true colours course! Why not come along to bible study as we go through the book of John.

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Friday (term time)

SOUL Youth

SOUL Youth is our high school age ministry. Meeting at 7pm on a Friday night for community, worship, word! Open to any one aged 11-18yrs

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